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Past/Other life healing

1 h
$111-$555 scale
Online or telephone

Service Description

Repair and heal rifts in your field leftover from other lifetimes. Your cells remember everything that's ever happened to you when it was in this lifetime or not. They act the same way unresolved issues and situations do in this lifetime, they hold energies that think they're keeping us safe but can also ultimately be damaging or hindering you Now. Part of the reason they can be especially stuck and tight and deep in your system is because these versions of you died, and not always on loving, Peaceful ways. And so that memory is stored in your How to Survive on Earth file. The problem is that in that file are things like: • Don't speak your truth • Don't follow your heart or share your gifts • Don't trust (love, money, men women, parents, partners, business associates, ANYONE OR ANYTHING) And it's easy to see how any and all of those can be incredibly hindering NOW. By tuning into the memory banks where this information is stored, we can honor, heal and bless those aspects of you so they can finally and truly REST in Peace. This one hour private session can transcend lifetimes and help you restore your sacred, holy, magical, powerful, infinite essence back into you and your point of power, which is now. We'll release the deep inner resistance in your body and fortify and amplify your personal energy so that you can thrive freely, unbound by the ripple effects from these ancient experiences. Radical sliding scale: $111 - $555 After booking, you'll receive an email to make your payment/offering arrangements.

Contact Details

(map shows only approximate location) San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico

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