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Mina Bast is one of the most profoundly tender people I know.


She has never not been there for me for even the smallest of concerns...


Her capacity to truly see the pure essence of a person and coax it out of its fearful hiding spot with a gentle loving hand astounds me, it's a talent I strive to emulate.


She is absolutely AMAZING at navigating nourishment of the neglected parts of Self.


If there is something vexing your soul, I HIGHLY recommend a session with this awesome angel.

-- Daena, Oregon

I booked a session with Mina to heal and release some spiritual and emotional blockages I had due to past sexual trauma. What I experienced was an unfolding of my divine life path, a recognition of my authentic core self, and an opening of my heart at depths I've never experienced before.


The insights that Mina provided were so spot on that revelations about who I am

and why I am here continued for several days after my session. Mina's compassion

and powerful energy flow have been instrumental in my personal journey towards



Since my session, I feel like I have more space inside of me. I feel like I have finally

released aspects of who I was (my ego self) and am now able to nurture who I am meant to be (my soul self).


Sessions with Mina have given me relief from inner personal conflict and support in nurturing my divinity. I am forever grateful. And I will * definitely be going back for more!!~

-- Yessia, Oregon

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Thinking Man


I was very desperate when I started a session with Mina. I suffered from severe pain in my genital area because of a nerve irritation.


I couldn`t enjoy my sex life anymore and the constant pain was affecting my all-day emotional state too.


You can imagine that this fact is for a 25 year old male very depressing.


No doctor could help me in this matter and after having this problem for 6 months I was extremely afraid that I had to stay with it forever.


In addition to that I have suffered from strong panic attacks and several other personality problems for the last 5 years.


All in all I was pretty messed up.


I have tried many different healing methods and I was devouring so many so called “self help” books but nothing had changed my state.


A friend of mine told me then about Mina`s skills and after listening to one of her interviews I decided to give it try.


I was amazed to say the least that just after one session the panic response in my body was gone, completely.


It took us another 2 sessions until we hit the deepest root of my genital problem.


The day after the strong pain went away almost completely.

It took as just 2 further sessions and

I am now free of pain, free of panic attacks and more happy and conscious than I was in the last 5 years.


To be honest, I have read many other testimonials from other so called “miracle healers” and I always doubt their authenticity.


But I can truly say that Mina is the real deal and that you are very fortunate that you have found out about her!


Give it a try and you will be amazed by her intuitive and emphatic being!



-- Andreas, Germany


I want to tell you that I've felt so amazing since our session.


Breathing fuller, deeper, more relaxed, happier, more peaceful, more present, more joyfully showing up, more patient and loving with myself and those around me, and feeling more open to letting myself take up space, make a noise, express myself creatively, without guilt.  


It is some good therapy for me, and I'd love it if we can make this a regular thing. Monthly maybe?


Thank you so much.  I am so happy and grateful that there and Angels on Earth like you.  

-- Amanda, Washington

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My Luminous Attunement is still vibrating blissfully inside my body 3 days later.


We dropped into a timeless space, vast with possibilities... and Mina gently unfolded dream after dream for my delight and pleasure.


On the scale of 1 to Psychedelic, this was definitely a 10.

A refreshing dip into the Cosmic Well...

with a whole new range of dreams to vibrate into life.


Ahhhhhhhhhh.... Bliss!


Give yourself this magical healing/awakening, unique as you.

There are universes in you, waiting to be born...

-- David Cates, Sweden

I am always blown away as to what happens in our sessions.


Mina is not afraid to go places that I am afraid to see

but dives right in with such gentleness, love, compassion and light that she just melts and heals whatever it is that is being shown to her.


I feel so safe and comfortable with her which is not easy for me

to trust someone I do not know very well.


She can see and put into words what I feel and what is going on inside.


I felt so safe and most of all that you understood, especially when there

were no words to what was happening and the feelings.


It is hard to even put into words, you need to experience it for yourself and you will see.

I only know how I feel/felt and the gentle guidance and healing.


WOW, she is so amazing. What a blessing she is. She touched me very deeply and gently and I don't have the right words to thank Mina enough for her gifts and work.

~Jetta (phone sessions)

-- Jetta, Oregon

Image by Ben Loader

I’ve been fortunate enough to have been seeing Mina for energy work sessions for over 18 months now.


In that time my life has opened in astounding ways and I believe it’s been synchronistic that our paths crossed.


She was meant to be the conduit to release old blocks and guide and instruct me in releasing fear, guilt and shame I’d been lugging around for decades.


Mina is just an amazing person and impressive healer who is 100% true and loyal to her gift as a calling. She communicates from her heart gently and with sincere compassion in an energy work healing session.


She is one of the most REAL people I have ever met.

I was instantly comfortable with her.


Mina creates such a safe, loving sphere around her and I that

I’ve felt utterly safe to reveal more of myself (enabling us to go deeper) without any fear of judgement.


By being able to go deep into old wounds and memories our sessions have been incredibly effective to enable me to let go of old messages like lack of worth that had been deeply embedded by abusive relationships and family members in my past.


Now when I find myself distressed in day to day to life by old triggers, I have a bounty of gems that I have taken away from our healing sessions that are extra tools in my spiritual ‘toolbox’ to reach for to get myself back to center.


I am healthier and happier than before I began seeing Mina for energy work.


I’ve lost 80 pounds and I am in measurably less pain from a chronic sacrum issue. 


Because of our work together, I’ve now stood up for truths in my life and begun to craft a life for myself that feels authentic, able to receive and give love in a much less guarded manner (including love for myself!).


I wasn’t quite sure how a Skype session would work after always seeing Mina in person, however it was fantastic and as effective as an in-person session.

She got right to the heart of what needed attention and it was as if I was right in the room with her.


One thing else that I would like to reassure anyone considering seeing Mina is that she keeps an absolute confidentiality and is always appropriate.


On the practical side of things too, she is wonderful with communication and coordination for session scheduling…. very reliable and accommodating.

-- Brandy, Washington


I have had 2 sessions with Mina.  In the first one she reminded me of what it was like to be age 3, 6, 12, 20 and in each of those the remaining trauma that was left over to be felt and to be loved.  


I feel she held a lot of space for me to release rage, taboo thoughts, and to hold me and comfort me (even though we'd  never met before).  


In the 2nd session, we explored my ancestors, and once again, my family background - especially with my Mother, and I remembered how much I still really love her and want to be with her.  


We practiced opening up to being filled with love - to me collapsing and surrendering that love is simply everywhere, 


"Fine! Alright. I give up and let it consume me."


I love how Mina draws from multiple sources to heal. She works with different beings (archetypes) and explains things in various, new ways to articulate what she sees inside you and the love she wants to help you see for yourself.  


Very gentle, cleansing, Motherly, tender, and caring healing which is also long-lasting, permanent, and impactful.  


There can be very little for the client to "do" because it's mostly about receiving (or practicing receiving, if one doesn't remember how) emotional nutrition.


Thank you, Mina Bast.

-- Milosz, Poland

Image by Georgia Mashford

(stock image used by request)


Mina is so very gentle, loving and playful.


When I feel called to have a session with Mina,

I know that I am approaching a break thru to a new way of being.


Her presence and amazing skillset creates a most sacred space to explore myself and patterns that are ready to shift.


I feel so blessed to know her and highly recommend her services to anyone who is wishing to go deeper into themselves and their experience with a genuine, non-judgemental and loving guide.

-- Terri Lynn, Canada

I came to Mina with a very specific pattern in mind that I desperately wanted to transform. I had suffered from severe acne for 15 years and when I saw Mina talk about her past issues with that in a youtube video, I approached her for assistance.


Due to the fact that this was such a long standing issue, I honestly was not expecting much, and what I got was more than I could dream of. 


Our first session went so deep, I was immediately impressed with her abilities as an intuitive.


She held such a safe, loving, healing container that I allowed myself to be as open as I could. Her insights and ability to clearly see me brought me to tears.


She took the time to answer all my questions and address all my thoughts and feelings around what was coming up during our session.


I felt sensations in my body as she worked on my energy. She tapped into what I perceive as my deepest childhood wounding and when the session was over, I felt as though I had been re-parented.


She not only addressed the pattern I came to her with but a myriad of other things that came to her and it left me feeling very seen and cared for. 


I got so much out of that first session, I have continued to work with her for the past year now.


Fast forward to a year later, my acne is 95% gone, I have a new confidence in all aspects of my life, I feel more empowered, centered, grounded, in my body and like anything is possible!


Mina is truly a magical practitioner, especially when it comes to the transformational power of the heart.


I have never met someone more loving, caring and truly powerful.


She has helped me to access aspects of myself that have been dormant and create shifts I didn't think possible.


I would highly recommend her services to anyone and everyone!


What Mina offers is beyond words, it's magic. 

-- Jen, California

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Mina, I don't know if I have adequate words to describe your impact on my life. Yes, you are an amazing healer.

Yes, you are very knowledgeable and skilled. You have worked hard to become this treasured helper to the world.

But what you have given me, what makes me love you so much, is something that hasn't come from the powers

that make you shine.


When I needed to fall, you held me. You never forgot who I was. You went there, where I sat in darkness. You allowed me to break over and over again, and somehow that didn't scare you, or if it did I didn't know. The strong, amazing woman I was cracked. Some might have suggested drugs. Some might have given up, thinking that I was just being stubborn.


The days I arrived at your door in full panic and terror, beneath all of that, I prayed that you would trust me. And you did. Some days you held me to your chest and just helped me breathe.


So while all the readings and healings you've done with me along the way have helped me tremendously, it's the grace you brought to it that let my spirit feel safe. That is not something you learn in a class. That is YOU. You have been to so many places in your own heart; you have met so much of your own darkness and pain; you have not covered it with new techniques--another distraction. You have sat with it. And THAT is what makes you so unique.

You are less afraid than most.

Those who keep me afloat when I'm drowning are really afraid of me drowning, which is sweet and useful at times. But I was intent on getting to the bottom. You let me.

And you trusted me.


So now I am whole again--or mostly whole, whatever that means.  I am functioning the way the world

understands we should.


But I don't regret a minute of it--all that suffering. And I needed someone who got that, someone who neither idolized nor shunned the pain. It was. And it would be okay.


Thank you, Mina Bast, for who you are. I love you.

-- Maryann, Washington

My life has been pure magic since our last session.

I literally pinch myself and swell up in gratitude at how beautiful and abundantly amazing this life is.

I am without words at the amount of love the Universe is showing me. With each day my heart is touched so deeply a gazillion times. I feel so beautifully here.  I love you. I can't tell you how much I love you.




With Mina, there is nothing that will not be transformed! I have been working continuously with Mina for two and a half years. My work with her has allowed me to receive the grace to align my life with my purpose in a series of  unbelievably beautiful journeys.

There is no higher magic for me. 
She sees everything in my soul. She is the oracle. 



Tracey, Hamptons

-- Jen, California

Iris Flowers
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Mina is one of the most amazingly gifted healers, and absolutely most beautiful people, I have ever met.

She helped me, once via a remote session when I was in crisis, and has also done work on me in person, and I can't put into words how much she helped me.


If you are in need of healing, I wholeheartedly recommend her! She is so kind, intuitive and so powerful as a healer, allow her to bring love and light into your mind body and spirit,

all beings deserve to experience such love. 

Holly, Austin, Texas

Mina is out of this world loving, gentle, powerful and skillful.


I feel safe, honored and respected when I am receiving healing energy from her.


Mina is able to intuit core wounds and helped me to resolve these wounds with so much ease and deep wisdom, it's breath-taking to experience so much magic especially when you're hurting.


I am beyond grateful for my session with Mina. She was so skillful in helping me to resolve core issues that have been hurting me for so long.


It's life changing and life affirming to work with Mina.


What I really appreciate about my session was how she was able to know about my painful experiences without me having to put them into words. This frees me to just receive without concern about getting someone to understand me.


How precious to be heard and understood at such a deep level.


I can't put into words how beautiful it is to work with Mina and know that my deepest pains can be healed without me having to explain anything as Mina holds such a safe space for healing to just happen.


Work like this is beyond beautiful, beyond words and even beyond understanding but definitely felt and so appreciated.


So much gratitude and appreciation for your Magic, Mina!




Grace, Denver CO



Through these past few months of transition,

I've battled every form of depression, anxiety and self-doubt. 


The trials and tribulations of younger years also have come to show their faces and instead of letting them grab hold of me,

I decided to seek help and guidance from healers and friends.


One extraordinary woman with a heart so large that it could encase and heal the entire world helped and healed my wounded soul. 


Imagine unlocking your heart and memories and seeing through the map of your entire existence. 


Find answers to why you have held on to certain events and memories, find acceptance, forgiveness and healingso you have understanding and can move forward.​​​



Let go of the patterns that no longer serve you so you can

find freedom and self-love.  


My life is changed in so many ways, every day I use the tools and visualizations we created together ..

my world and soul are healed and are a better place and I am forever indebted to you, Mina Bast.


Here is the key to unlocking your heart, past and future, many blessings.  <3




Nina, Seattle, WA 


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