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About Mina Bast 



Mina Bast is a healer and hypnotherapist

in Austin, Texas.


She's been helping restore and transform  souls worldwide since 2007. 


After decades of  neglect, trauma, anxiety, depression, illness and chronic pain,

she knows first-hand the value of being able to live in a body that's calm, with a mind that's clear, a nervous system that's nourished and regulated, a soul that's at ease and

a heart that is at peace.


Her greatest passion is helping others do the same.


Nurturing is the most natural thing in the world for her.


She's deeply honored to share

nourishing healing energy with friends, family and clients all over the world.


You can schedule your own private session with Mina here.







You can also find her on

FacebookInstagram, and TikTok.

Mina is a kind, sensitive, wonderful space-holder.


She is one of those healers who has truly learned by healing herself and transmuting her own pain --

so she has true empathy and compassion for those with whom she works.


A very special soul, and I recommend her highly.

                                                                                                                  Matthew, Minnesota

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