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Welcome to Love Force Energy!

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"A refreshing dip in the cosmic well." - David Cates


Love Force Energy Luminous Attunement Healing sessions are like a warm nourishing bath for your heart & soul.


Healing, transformative, powerful and gentle.


To get started, simply book your session or free consult below.


I'm looking forward to making magic with you!





Mina Bast

It's been a HUGE Honor working with you these past 17 years.
Thank you for everything.

You can still find Mina Here and experience her Intimacy Healing Here.

And if you're looking to book sessions from your previous packages, you can do that here>

If you're new around here, we recommend beginning your journey here by booking your first Luminous Attunement session today.

I received a healing from Mina during a multi-faceted flare up of symptoms. As a healer and teacher myself, I am well versed in the spiritual and emotional components of ailments and pain, as well as the nervous system's involvement. Mina's medicine pays special attention to those factors in ways that are rare to find, even as she is attentive to physiological detail.


The experience was soothing to brain and nerves in that my medically-minded side was fascinated by what could be "seen" in the body, even as my inner child was calmed by what could intuited about past experience and blocks. She hit several points of trauma as well as physical pain on the head, and the gentle releases that came with were tangible.


Overall, the healing was a lovely anchoring point and catalyst within a powerful healing cycle, and I know it assisted with some beautiful shifts, epiphanies, and movement in condition.


It helps that her presence is wise, centered, and warm. It felt easy to share a bit of my story and safe to allow her in my energy field.


If you're looking for something a bit more robust, interactive (to the degree that you prefer), sustained, and shamanic than a distance reiki session or the like, I definitely recommend

Love Force Energy healing with Mina Bast!



Jacquelynne Faith, 
Actor, Priestess, and co-founder of
Sisterhood of Sacred Fire

How it works


"As a hypnotherapist, I see the issue, pain, illness or distortion as the actual trance state, which I can then lovingly guide your subconscious mind and body out of." 

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Your body remembers everything that's ever happened to you,

whether you do or not.


In our work together, we'll be able to access the specific cellular body memory, aka your subconscious mind, needed to unravel those pesky patterns that until now were a mystery!


I am able to see this information as well as exactly what is needed to heal the pattern, whether that be physical, mental, emotional financial, relational or otherwise. 


All of this unfolds both in the moment as well as over time as you integrate the changes internally and externally.


Because the healing takes place at the level of consciousness, there are virtually no limits on what can be addressed and transformed today.






We may incorporate a wealth of resources such as:


+ Energy Medicine Healing + Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

+ Transpersonal Hypnotherapy + Inner child healing

+ Inner masculine/feminine healing. + Shadow work

+ Psycho Emotional Energetics + Past/other lifetime healing

Intimacy and Heart Centered tantra  + Somatic Healing 

+ Akashic Records + Ancestral Healing + Intuitive Readings + more

Mina Bast is the most nurturing intuitive I have ever met.


Her insights are always so spot on,

and the healing she offers runs so deep that

I feel literally transformed into a more authentic version of myself.


I feel such deep gratitude that I've found her.


                                                                                                   Yessia, Portland Oregon


~Sara Hayona Eisenman,

Internationally renowned author and visionary

New York

I received a potent healing session by my beloved friend and amazing talented priestess Mina Bast, rite at the crux of some very difficult and painful navigations in my life that had my nervous system frayed and taxed, had produced a lot of grief and stress and left me feeling rather painfully exiled from my own life/home even after all applications toward my own self care and self-healing.


Mina's absolutely adoring and wise essence - sweet and gentle as a child but potent as a force of nature - helped guide me through the center of a torus in my own energy, where my exile became a sweet welcoming homecoming filled with new life; and the great sojourn out not only returned, but recreated a field of beauty and being in which I can reside, nourished, seen and supported at long last.


Mina is one of the most unconditionally loving, patient and deep humans I have ever encountered on this planet. She truly is pure love. And brings healing not through any form of shocking or jarring means, but through SHEER honey-like love that holds you so profoundly safely and tenderly, you nearly forget what you were even trying to heal from.


She is the medicine of the luminous womb of the cosmic Mother, who has not herself forgotten how to be and love like a child, with the wise and kind words of a sage.


Any work you undertake with her will forever altar your lovescape, as your system and being become reminded of what it is to be truly held in such safety that you can afford to let EVERYTHING go for that session and far beyond, and take the gentle adventure of being so deeply loved.


You can experience this offering and see what it feels like, and how life changing it truly is, to be immersed in the potent grace that moves through her.


What an amazing gift we have on Earth in the form of this incredible woman!


Thank you Mina, for your deepest care. I honor you in utmost gratitude for all you be and bring !!!


~Sara Hayona Eisenman, author and visionary

New York

Every session is 100% bespoke and unique to you.

Very gentle, cleansing, Motherly, tender, and caring healing which is also long-lasting, permanent,

and impactful.  


There can be very little for the client to "do" because it's mostly about receiving

(or practicing receiving, if one doesn't remember how) emotional nutrition.


Thank you, Mina Bast.

                                                                                                                                                       ~Milosz, Poland

"Mina Bast is absolutely AMAZING at navigating nourishment of the neglected
parts of Self.. HIGHLY recommend!!!!"

~Daena, Kentucky

"Mina Bast holds sacred space in a safe and welcoming way.


When in her presence, you feel all that you are or have been is included, seen and can be shifted

in an instant within her wholehearted embrace."


                                                                                                         ~ Justice Bartlett, Montana


"Some of the sweetest, gentlest,

highly intuitive & profound energy work

I've ever experienced.

Deep gratitude for Mina's heart."

                                                    ~Alyssa, Orcas Island


I’d love to continue working together, Mina.

This work is changing my life and it’s changing me.

It’s giving me gifts I’ve long wanted,

but never knew I could have and teaching me

how to have them.


You’ve helped open a portal for me, a portal towards

my highest destiny.


I never dreamed I’d be here and proud of myself.

I’ve not known genuine pride in myself until now.


I feel safer within myself;

I feel more whole. I look back towards the woman

I was one year ago and feel a soft marvel at her

pain and confusion.


She was lost; you’ve helped me find my way towards myself.

I’ll never cease being grateful.


Thank you, Mina.

Thank you for sharing your gifts with me;

thank you for being a gift.

Jennifer, Washington

My Luminous Attunement is still vibrating blissfully inside my body 3 days later.


We dropped into a timeless space, vast with possibilities... and Mina gently unfolded dream after dream for my delight and pleasure.


On the scale of 1 to Psychedelic, this was definitely a 10.

A refreshing dip into the Cosmic Well...

with a whole new range of dreams to vibrate into life.


Ahhhhhhhhhh.... Bliss!


Give yourself this magical healing/awakening, unique as you.

There are universes in you, waiting to be born...

David Cates, Sweden

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Mina is gifted with a sacred connection between herself and all of the energy fields of existence.

She is able to tap into these fields to bring healing into the bodies, minds and hearts of her clients.


With me, she tapped into my familial and ancestral lineage and put a stop to some of the harmful energies that had been repeating themselves there for centuries.


My body became a portal for the healing of my family and all of humanity.


Mina also accessed the particular physical energy of my spine and gave me an energetic spinal adjustment that left my spine tingling for hours,

and then off and on every day for several months following.


Mina is able to sense precisely what the body, mind and heart are needing most and access their healing counterparts in the energies of the universe.


I will always turn to Mina when I am most in need of a healing, transformative shift in my life. She makes it happen. She is a blessing to me and all who come into contact with her and her sacred work.  

Myrella, California

I was abandoned by my parents when I was a child.


My heart wasn't acknowledged, my emotions disregarded, and my joy stifled by the support system that was supposed to nurture my spirit.


I wasn't able to thrive, express myself, and harness the power that lives within all of us to realize my full potential. I carried the burdens of my parents and their trauma, and was cast into the world as a broken person; angry, scarred, confused, and searching.


Mina Bast helped me rediscover my true being, restored my inner peace and focus, re-sparked and amplified my desire and will to create, explore, and harness the full potential of my life.


I have never known myself and life the way I know it now after experiencing her profoundly transformative work.


Mina's beautiful spirit, deep empathy, and ability to access the power of the heart is sure to help any and everyone seeking to clear the fog of the mind and soul, and become re-acquainted with their true power and purpose in this life.

Brian Lee, Texas

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Mina Bast is a profoundly gifted healer. I have been working with her for years now.  


With gentle and compassionate precision she witnesses, supports, and clears the blocks ready to move and wounds ready to heal.


I always feel so known and loved in her work. And I am on-goingly blown away at the subtle but powerful results I experience.


She is pure magic and I've been so blessed by her care and skill.


As a veteran massage and energy worker of nearly 20 years myself, I'm very discerning about who I work with for my care.


I highly recommend Mina. Her work is transformative and transcendent.      

Heather, Washington

It's been two months almost since my session.


There are no words I can write to express my gratitude fully but I'll try.


I can now love myself like never before, I see the world differently, everything has become easy to deal with without all of the walls I put up.


She helped give birth to an improved me that day and I will never forget.


I could never write something like this before but now I can. So many new things for me now.

Just wonderful and exactly what I needed.


Thank you so much Mina

Ryan, New York

Contact Mina

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Find us online: @loveforceenergy

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